Principal Message


I feel humbled to have been bestowed the opportunity of welcoming you to the digital platform of RSD College, Ferozepur City. The College holds a century-old tradition, a legacy that has always shaped the destiny of this border belt and will surely continue to do so till eternity. I am also fondly reminded of the prophetic vision of the founding fathers of the college who had the farsightedness to establish a college during times when higher education was still in its infancy in the country. Since its inception in 1921, RSD has always cherished its ideals of altruism, commitment to society and self-revelation. The college is affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh, and offers UG and PG courses in various streams. The college is one of the few institutions in the state to offer a BA/B.Sc. B.Ed 4-Year Integrated Course.

As the Principal of this venerated institution, I am honoured to be part of a community that has set milestones in the field of education by providing space for innovation, excellence, holistic development, etc.

The college can legitimately boast of an ecosystem that nurtures critical thinking, inculcates life skills, and develops a sense of curiosity among students for the pursuit of knowledge. As an educational institution, it provides a democratic, productive; and ultimately transformative environment to develop different facets of the personality of students. At the heart of the ecosystem is a highly qualified and zealously committed team that is ready to go the extra mile to make the teaching-learning process produce constructive outcomes.

The college sets up many platforms for students to nurture their skills and make the most of their talents. It also facilitates several curricular and extra-curricular activities to train them for a globalized world that is inherently volatile and constantly mutating.

Concurrently, the college aims to nourish cooperative learning among students to inculcate team spirit in order to accomplish common learning goals.

Once again, I welcome all the stakeholders to the portal of the college and assure that we as a team will continue to strive ceaselessly to prove ourselves to be worthy of a tradition that has given wings to the dreams of countless generations and will surely continue to do in the times to come.
Dr. Daljit Singh
(Officiating Principal)